Friday, August 21, 2009

To be successful!

Well, I believe that Richard has a nice point of view, because he realized that money cant buy happyness and to be sucessful doesnt mean that you can buy all the things that you want. In the classroom we have another kinds of problems, because we confuse to be succesful with having good grades and there are things completely different. To be successful means that your are going to improve your lifestyle doing what you love. it means that we have to work hard, be passionate, have new ideas, persist and be always focus in our aims. When we study we have to consider the same things and ask to ourselves. Why am I studying? Do I want to have a good a grade or do I want to learn? In my opinon, the biggest problem that students face these days, it is that students dont why they are studying. Maybe I am wrong but I can see in the university that sometimes students confuse to achieve their aims with to win to everybody else and to be the best of your class. I think that if we want to be succesful we should fight with our own problems and get over them.

Have a nice weekend!


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