Friday, November 20, 2009

Tinkering Schools.

I do believe that it is an excellent idea we can encourage in schools. I realized that sometimes children are running around in the streets because they dont have another thing to do, or sometimes the haven`t found in what they are interested in. Also, commonly in public schools there are a lot of economical and social problems and children get negatively influenced by those factors. It would be awesome if Chilean school integrate these children in some kind of workshops with different contents that you have in your subjects. For example, having music or art workshops children could develop skills that they dont used to do in class.

If the school doesnt have the resources to make these specials workshops, it is also good make proyects in your own subjects. I think that children are always expecting to recieve something satisfactory when they do things. So, making proyects to earn money to buy what you need or just having new experiences to make friends could be a great stimulus to help those children who dont like studing or who prefer to be in the streets.

Finally I believe that these kinds of courses can help children to decide what they are going to do in the future, and also knowing what their skills are. Most of the students from public schools do not study at university because of the money or because they dont want to, so, learning some useful features can be a way of working, or, in the best of the cases, a way in which children could get interested in study in order to learn more.

I admit that I do liked this proyect, and I would like to do something similar in my work experience or in the future.

Have a nice weekend!



  1. Hi,

    I see your point. In public school there are children with many social and familiar problems and these are negative influences in their life. For this reason, the concept of tinkering school in our classroom could be a positive influence in their life and learning. Children can use their creativity and imagination in class, and in the meantime, could forget problems.

  2. I do believe that it is an excellent idea we can encourage in schools. I realized that sometimes children are running around in the streets because they don't have another thing to do, or sometimes the haven`t found what they are interested in. Also, commonly in public schools there are a lot with economical and social problems and children get negatively influenced by those factors. It would be awesome if Chilean school integrated these children in some kind of workshop with different contents that you have in your subjects. For example, having music or art workshops, children could develop skills that they don't usually do in class.

    If the school doesn't have the resources to make these specials workshops, it is also good to make projects in your own subjects. I think that children are always expecting to receive something satisfactory when they do things. So, making projects to earn money to buy what you need or just having new experiences to make friends could be a great stimulus to help those children who don't like studying or who prefer to be in the streets.

    Finally, I believe that these kinds of courses can help children to decide what they are going to do in the future and also to know what their skills are. Most of the students from public schools do not study at university because of money or because they dont want to. Therefore, learning some useful features can be a way of working, or, in the best of the cases, a way in which children could get interested in studying in order to learn more.

    I admit that I do like this proyect, and I would like to do something similar in my work experience or in the future.

    Have a nice weekend!
