Friday, November 20, 2009

Tinkering Schools.

I do believe that it is an excellent idea we can encourage in schools. I realized that sometimes children are running around in the streets because they dont have another thing to do, or sometimes the haven`t found in what they are interested in. Also, commonly in public schools there are a lot of economical and social problems and children get negatively influenced by those factors. It would be awesome if Chilean school integrate these children in some kind of workshops with different contents that you have in your subjects. For example, having music or art workshops children could develop skills that they dont used to do in class.

If the school doesnt have the resources to make these specials workshops, it is also good make proyects in your own subjects. I think that children are always expecting to recieve something satisfactory when they do things. So, making proyects to earn money to buy what you need or just having new experiences to make friends could be a great stimulus to help those children who dont like studing or who prefer to be in the streets.

Finally I believe that these kinds of courses can help children to decide what they are going to do in the future, and also knowing what their skills are. Most of the students from public schools do not study at university because of the money or because they dont want to, so, learning some useful features can be a way of working, or, in the best of the cases, a way in which children could get interested in study in order to learn more.

I admit that I do liked this proyect, and I would like to do something similar in my work experience or in the future.

Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Having read the article inmediately remembered that the other day I was in my ELAB and I helped a classmate who was inventing an activity related with sounds. Children had to make sounds and others had to act what they heard. It was great! because there were scary story of halloween.
What I would do is something related with creativity. In these moments I am teaching 6 to 9 years old children and they love paint and draw. I would like to have a cd with many sounds from Chilean holidays and others that we dont used to hear. Children would listen to them and they would draw what they imagined. For example, they could hear some ships, guns and ocean sounds, and they could draw the Iquique´s naval battle. Then, they would explain to the class where is each sound in their drawings. Finally, they would paint it like they want.
Also I could do something similar with older kids. I would like to have many weirds sounds which dont represent any known. They could close their eyes and hear them for some minutes, then they could write a brief tale, story or personal experienced that they imagined hearing the sounds. Maybe is not an activity related with Chile but I think it is more meaningful for them to write and imagine things which are related with their lives and their tastes. I think it could be a really good idea an they would learn a lot about describe sounds and interpretate them.

See you!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Cecilia and Valeria´s presentation.

  • As teachers, how can we teach our students to use technology in a meaningful way if, on the internet, there are so many useless webpages?

  • Do you think that children with less resources, like technology, would learn less than others? How can we make a balance in the different social status of Chilean schools?

  • Why do students prefer to read facebook profiles or blogs instead of books? How can we make them feel interested in books which increase their knowledge?

These are my questions. I hope they could be useful!



Monday, October 26, 2009

Critical Thinking !

Well. Nathalie and Francisca talked about a Russian writer called Lev Tolstóy. He borned in Yasnaya Polaina. They told us that he was important because of his thoughts. He was trying to change the world. Also he was a realism artist and his family came from a nobility Russian family. The girls explained that he change his ideological thoughts from a aristocrat to an spiritual anarchist. He was vegetarian. Actually he decided to abandoned his family and lived alone in the street . He died because of Tuberculosis in a train stationin 1910.
His best known works were Anna Karenina and War & peace. Besides he influenced some authors of that period like Victor Hugo, Pierre-Joseph and Proudhon. Leo founded thirteen schools and he had the idea of libertarian education.
The girls decided to speak about him because of his life. The changes that he had and the development of his ideological and human process.

That´s all


Friday, September 11, 2009



I wandering everyday around
In the streets, without doing anything about
Seeing the same sunset and the stunning sunrise
Shining and delighting me with their bright light
They seem like fire in the sky
I feel alone and hopeless about my life
but I am a dog. What else can I have?


My lost soul

I am running away from my fears
Begging you. "Please, I dont want to be here"
Seeing this terrifying shadows
Floating and waiting for my defeat
They seem like fast and dangerous arrows
I feel nervous, being trapped like a mouse
They come for me, there is no way out!


My dream comes true!!!
I always wanted to be a writer
I am not good at all, but I try! haha

I hope you like my first two poems
If you dont understand some of them, please let me know.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Here is our TED experience ! I hope you like it!

Francisca and Bárbara !


Friday, August 21, 2009

To be successful!

Well, I believe that Richard has a nice point of view, because he realized that money cant buy happyness and to be sucessful doesnt mean that you can buy all the things that you want. In the classroom we have another kinds of problems, because we confuse to be succesful with having good grades and there are things completely different. To be successful means that your are going to improve your lifestyle doing what you love. it means that we have to work hard, be passionate, have new ideas, persist and be always focus in our aims. When we study we have to consider the same things and ask to ourselves. Why am I studying? Do I want to have a good a grade or do I want to learn? In my opinon, the biggest problem that students face these days, it is that students dont why they are studying. Maybe I am wrong but I can see in the university that sometimes students confuse to achieve their aims with to win to everybody else and to be the best of your class. I think that if we want to be succesful we should fight with our own problems and get over them.

Have a nice weekend!
